Deleting Some Core GUI

I am trying to maximize the screen space on my game. However, I like to use the functions of the Chat and Backpack. Thus, I made the Top bar Transparent.

There is one piece of Gui that I can not get rid of. It is the UI with the players Username and Account Age Restriction, etc. Is there a way to get rid of this without completely getting rid of the other Core GUIs?

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Have you tried disabling the other coregui’s along with making the topbar transparent? I’m on mobile right now so I can’t see the code that I use but I’m fairly sure this is what I do.

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He’s trying to find a way to hide specifically the account age >/< 13.

I don’t believe this is possible, due to personal issues with parents monitoring what their kids are doing.


I’m fairly sure you can get rid of the username but the 13+ bit is locked by Roblox unfortunately.

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You can get rid of it by getting rid of the top bar completely.

But then this would result in Chat / Backpack from disappearing. Has anyone found a way to get the chat UI to show up without needing the topbar?

By that do you mean including the 13+ label? If so, I would love to know how along with the OP I’m guessing.
Also, I would just write a custom chat by this point. They’re relatively easy to make (although I’ve made about 6 or 7 now so…).
A custom Backpack would probably be harder if you also allowed the player to reorganise their tools.

I believe it’s SetCoreGuiEnabled(“Topbar”,False) though I could be wrong.

This simply takes the +13 label and moves it next to the hamburger icon where the chat button would normally be. Honestly wish Roblox would move it into the escape menu.


Yeah, that’s what I use too. Although it disables all the options (not what OP wants).

Oof, I see. Is there a way to propose this as an editable feature?

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If you fork the chat scripts, you can allow chat to be usable even without the top bar at all, but the same can’t be said for the backpack, so if that is really necessary then I don’t have a suggestion.

I hope this helped…

Try this.

Chat > ClientChatModules > ChatSettings

module.ChatOnWithTopBarOff = state
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Mm, you can’t remove this label. You can relegate it to a smaller size by hiding the top bar, but the label is locked and cannot be edited. At the very least you can edit or fork some code in your Roblox folder to get rid of it but the change will only be visible locally.