Deletion of instances in player's Character model are replicated across client-server boundary

When a LocalScript removes an object from the Character belonging to that client, that removal is replicated across the Client-Server boundary, meaning that the server also removes that Instance.

To reproduce:

  1. Create an empty baseplate game.
  2. Create a LocalScript on the client which removes an instance from the character model (this can be a default Instance or an Instance created by the server), and disable it.
  3. Launch the game in either Test Mode or Clients and Servers mode.
  4. On the client, enable the LocalScript. The Instance will be removed on both the client and the server, assuming the script has worked.

Note that the script does not have to be disabled/enabled, this is simply an easy way for anyone reproducing the bug to know that this script is the thing removing the Instance

This bug is reproducible 100% of the time and with any Instance that can be destroyed or removed.

This has happened on my Windows 10 PC, and on @its_TrollTime’s system.

This does not allow the client to create Instances nor change pre-existing Instances’ properties across the Client-Server boundary.

Edit: Some people have messaged me saying that this is intended behaviour, however it is not listed in
the exceptions on the developer wiki.

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