Delta Corporation Internal Forces Guide


Welcome to the Internal Forces division. You are among a handful of people to be serving Delta Corporation, and protecting it.


You have probably joined this division because you have been handpicked or have joined a training that is hosted very rarely. The Internal Forces are tasked with making sure the classified information of the corporation remain classified. You are also tasked with protecting the facility.

Alright now to the rules:

1: All members of the division are to be respected no matter what rank they are

2: You must listen to orders given by Command Officer or higher

3: You cannot breach any Entities whist on duty

4: Recruits are only to play as a DCM whilst attending a training. Unless told otherwise by training host.

5: Black Class Breach - Should this occur you are to alert The Overseer and evacuate all members to the closest HLBS (High Level Breach Shelter)

6: Guns - Random firing is not allowed. Do not point your guns at other DCM (Delta Corporation Member) either. You are also not to point them at fellow SD staff.

All Delta Corporation rules apply here

Recruit - This is your first rank upon joining the division
Private | - You will receive this rank after attending a basic training
Private || - You will receive this rank after attending and assisting with 5 basic trainings
Agent - You will receive this rank after assisting with 10 combat trainings
Senior Agent - You will receive this rank after assisting with all Combat, Quiz and Re-Containment trainings at least 15 times. Basic trainings is not required.
Elite Agent - You will receive this rank if you are picked by Division Director or The Overseer. Assistant Director can recommend you.
Assistant Director - 1 person is handpicked by the Division Director for this rank
Division Director - Handpicked by The Overseer

Glory to the Internal Forces!

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