Deprecate old membership enums under Enum.MembershipType

As a Roblox developer, floating enums that serve no functionality in MembershipType should be removed for ease with developers.

Currently, ever since old memberships like builderclub were removed and swapped with premium, those memberships weren’t removed, this should be the case as they’re floating without an intended usage nowadays:


If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience so when using Enum.MembershipType, I don’t have to see old memberships and instead, only 2 valid options.


Unless Roblox plans to in the future expose what Premium tier users are on, they should probably deprecate Player.MembershipType entirely as well and maybe expose a method that indicates whether or not a user has Premium.


Would be reasonable to remove it entirely, since the whole enum revolves around past → present memberships anyway. A method sounds good to me to be implemented, probably something like Player:HasPremiumSubscription(), :HasPremium().


Should probably also add Player.MembershipType on the list for deprecation. Not repurposing though for the sake of backwards compatibility, a new property would be better appreciated.

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