Deprecate PlayerGui:SetTopbarTransparency from Documentation + API

As a Roblox developer, keeping the function of SetTopbarTransparency() onto the Roblox Engine and the uses for it is inconvenient and useless onto the Developer Hub and Engine with PlayerGui.

From the announcement of the new In-Game Topbar on Roblox, some of these functions and events wouldn’t work and should be deprecated due to the fact that the Topbar was removed and never being used in the CoreGui:

Yet, in the documentation and coding, it somewhat doesn’t give out an error nor states that it has been deprecated from the Engine since.

If Roblox is able to address this feature and request, it would be helpful for developers that view the Developer Hub and API of PlayerGui or different functions so they wouldn’t use a deprecated. I don’t understand why this is still in the documentation and the API still as they’re not helpful when Topbar isn’t useable nor configurable.

It definitely shouldn’t error, because so many games still have this in the code from back when it actually worked and haven’t removed it from their code yet. But a warning would be ok.

I would also note that the screenshots on the documentation are outdated.

btw I like your avatar hat :slight_smile:


This should be resolved as per Deprecate + Hide PlayerGui:GetTopbarTransparency


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