Description gui that appears during gamepass and product purchase

Description gui that appears during gamepass and product purchase
I don’t know how to do this, can you help me with a script. I want to make a separate description gui for each gamepass or each product. Thank you.

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You need to make a gui with text that says what you get if you buy it, you then have to make a script that prompts the purchase, while also turning the gui visible. This can remove the gui when the prompt is finished.

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This is very vague and does not answer what the user is asking for. He is asking for the description underneath the prompt HUD for everytime a user is prompted with a product or a gamepass.

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I’m pretty sure the “description” is shown by a script and it’s not roblox that’s doing it.

So you can just tween the description on screen and off screen.

We have MarketPlaceService:PromptGamePassPurchase() :ok_hand:
Ty Roblox for simplifying thing.

Doesn’t looks like Roblox has implemented their custom extra gui option for that description which means…

I don’t know how to do this, can you help me with a script.

Looks more like a UI Designing issue to me :grey_question: :man_shrugging:

As for that gui below can be custom scaled on a user’s screen when you prompt the gamepasse’s purchase.


Thank you so much bro :slight_smile: Working.