Detail Part

Ok, so for FPS games and stuff, having very detailed parts (and thus, hitboxes) can be laggy. Roblox tries to run calculations on welded and non-cancollide parts, I believe, so I think it would be cool to add a “Detail Part”. This would JUST be the polygons of a brick. Ontouch wouldn’t fire, it wouldn’t have mass. It would basically be anchored and non cancollide, but respond to things like welds. If there is currently some way to do this stuff, I would love to know.

Hmm I think the whole point of the upcoming CSG feature is to solve the issue of having high details with a ton of parts by merging them all into 1 union part like a mesh.
You could set the cancollide of this union part off and it’ll basically fit all the requests listed in this post.
Last time I heard, CSG is on queue for release by next week

I’d also like to suggest that we get the option to render only certain faces on these detail parts.

[quote] Hmm I think the whole point of the upcoming CSG feature is to solve the issue of having high details with a ton of parts by merging them all into 1 union part like a mesh.
You could set the cancollide of this union part off and it’ll basically fit all the requests listed in this post.
Last time I heard, CSG is on queue for release by next week [/quote] But roblox still runs physics on them. I believe that CSG models can have multiple colors… I hope, so it can help with that stuff. But being able to just have a static part that does nothing but exist and listen to welds, no mass or anything, would be so useful.

I had a similar idea, but instead of responding to welds it would be able to be Parented to BasePart/other detail parts and would have its CFrame relative to its Parent’s (And thus no properties replicate, either, reducing the amount of data sent)
