Detecting if a user owns a gamepass,t-shirt,etc... from a plugin

Hi, I’m wondering if there is a way to detect if a user owns a gamepass/t-shirt/etc… but using a plugin / in-studio I’ve tried a few different methods non seem to work

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What is the context to trying to see if a player has a gamepass/shirt? When they join? When they press a button?

When they press a button inside of the plugins UI

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I don’t see a way that it could happen. Maybe if you define the creator of the game inside the plugin and when they press it, it checks if they own it using a function? But that would be hard considering some games have third party sales features disabled, but I could be wrong. I’ll reply back if I somehow think of a way this can happen. But again, I could be wrong.

I tried using the creator-id but if someone is using team create or something it would be a bit strange thanks for your help

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Hey, it’s me again.
I don’t think its possible to be able to check if a user owns a gamepass through a plugin. Another problem I have thought about with this is that people can access their plugins folder on their device and steal and edit your plugin so they don’t have to own the gamepass/shirt to use it.

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