[devcanada] scripter needed

Hello, I’m one of the Project Managers of DEVCANADA. We own the official Canada of Tormentium’s United Nations. DEVCANADA is currently looking for scripters to perform maintenance, and other tasks on our game.

The Team
@connor94418 - Project Manager
@Gnomeski - Project Manager/Builder
@CharlesKaluaiku - Builder
@MuhammadMacLeod - Builder

The building portion of our game is essentially finished, but we’re still added a few interior touch ups. You can check our city out here: Ottawa, Ontario - Roblox

The scripter’s tasks:

  • Police gear maintenance [Taser, Baton, Detain System (Able to cuff and release), Citation system, radio.]
  • Jail System [Police take the criminal to the jail and put the criminal on the jail team for however long they want, if the criminal leaves the game they will remain on the jail team until their time is up.]
  • Money System with GUI [Able to transfer/deposit/withdraw cash at bank or ATM, drop money that is in wallet, able to purchase money via in-game products, cash in wallet is dropped once character dies, everyone gets paid every 5 minutes and the amount is based on what team the player is on.]
  • Team Script/GUI maintenance.
  • Vehicle maintenance [Get our cars moving, emergency lights for police cars, car windows break when shot or hit, cars have health and blow up, put tools from inventory in trunk, owner of car can unlock/lock car.]
  • Mechanic [Players can replenish car health, change color of car.]
  • Purchase script and GUI [Able to purchase in-game products only when money is put into the wallet.]
  • Gun maintenance [Simple guns that aren’t FPS, must purchase ammo and have in inventory in order to shoot, guns are shown either strapped on the leg or slinging around back.]
  • License plate system [Each car will have its own randomly generated license plate which police can search and find out who the owner is, and if the owner has a warrant.]
  • Computer system for police [To allow them to search players for active warrants or run their licence plates.]
  • Arrest History Search System [Players can search usernames at police stations to find the criminal history of all players.]
  • Bank robbery [Players have to open vault and stay in it for a certain amount of time for cash to appear in wallets.]
  • Shops [Players purchase items from shops with money from their wallet.]
  • Cell phone [Players can call others players in-game and talk.]

Most of the things on the list are already made, so the scripter may just have to do a little maintenance to the original scripts, so it’s really not as much work as it seems. The GUIs, tools, and vehicles are already made.

This is a ROBUX paying job. We’re offering 15,000-35,000 ROBUX.
If the scripter decides to stay on the team after the job, then we can discuss a salary based off a percentage of the game income.

If you are interested in the job then please contact me via Discord (marcus


15-35k robux is much too low for everything required.


Hey all,
I’m the current scripter for this game but alas I’m very busy with school and admittedly I’m not the best scripter! I look forward to working with whoever may take on this project!

For what your asking for, I just don’t think 15-35K is going to be enough to suffice for it all. It definitely takes a lot longer than a few hours to read over all the code, in an attempt to understand it, and additionally, you’ve specified a list of tasks that you also say are mostly made. Can you please clear up what has and hasn’t been done, so people applying have a good idea of what they’re going to work for?


The things with maintenance are the things that are finished, but need touch-ups. All the tools and cars are finished also. The payment can be discussed, so if you are interested add me on Discord and we can discuss payment. I’m willing to go as high as needed.

Cool project would of been interested to build for it as a canadian here :canada:

You can always join, and help us in the future!

Can’t do this right now because of school. How unfortunate, gun making is my specialty!

If this is open still In a few weeks I may be interested, soory.

We’d love to have you on our team man.

I have worked with robbery games before. This seems very easy! But I won’t be active for the next 2 weeks which makes this hard to develop for.

I sent you a friend request on both roblox and Discord. My Discord is MegaPiggy#9957.

Hey, I sent you a Discord friend request. I will be inactive due to exams for 2 days unfortunately, but after that, I will be active.

Just a heads up, you’re asking someone to do a massive amount of work for what is essentially $40 - $100. That’s much too low, as others have pointed out. I’m not too sure how much someone would want to be paid for this but I’d guess a serious developer would want $500 - $1000 for this much work.

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I understand the price is low. I have replied to multiple people saying the price can be discussed. I’ve had quite a few good developers actually contact me for the job, and for the same price. Thanks for the input tho boss

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