Diamond Theatre V2 | Public Staff Guide

Diamond Theatre V2 Images (8)
Last Updated: 08/16/23

Diamond Theatre V2

Diamond Theatre | About

  • Diamond Theatre is an interactive virtual theatre on the ROBLOX platform that offers users an unforgettable experience. From hosting shows, and controlling technology to even acting in plays, our wide range of job opportunities allows users to express their creativity in many different ways freely!

  • Here you can find out how our ranks work, what permissions you have, and what it takes to get promoted here at Diamond Theatre!

Page Guide

  1. Rank Guide
  2. Shift Guide & Information
  3. Training Guide & Information
  4. Conclusion

Rank Guide

Rank Name Server Permissions Training Permissions
Supervisor Support Team Training Assistant
Head Supervisor Support Team, Shift Hosting Training Assistant, Trainer
Assistant Manager Support Team, Shift Hosting Training Assistant, Trainer
General Manager Support Team, Shift Hosting, Training Hosting Training Assistant, Trainer, Host, Co-Host
Senior Manager Support Team, Shift Hosting, Training Hosting, Server Moderation Training Assistant, Trainer, Host, Co-Host, Overseer/Ranker
Administrator Support Team, Shift Hosting, Training Hosting, Server Moderation Training Assistant, Trainer, Host, Co-Host, Overseer/Ranker

Staff Guide & Information


Diamond Theatre hosts applications on our discoard server once every few months for MR positions! You also have a chance to get promoted in-game for being active, helpful, and caring. If you have any questions about Middle Rank applications feel free to create a ticket or DM one of our Human Resource Department!


Staff Guide

The Middle Rank-Senior High Rank shift guide can be found on our discoard server under ⇢guides. This guide helps you learn how and what to do when hosting a shift! If any information is confusing or not on the document, you can contact a member of the HR department and they would be happy to assist you.

What to do as a Low-Rank Staff

As a Lobby Staff, you are the first person to greet someone as they come into the theatre and get them any food or drink we have to offer. If you are a Builder Staff you get to help the host make sets for the show they are hosting, as a Technology Staff you are in charge of settings the mood and bringing the show to life with; lighting, sound effects, effects, and more! As a Theatre Staff, you are in charge of getting the audience to really feel like they are in the show, making them feel as if they are living the scenario themself.

Getting Started As A Supervisor

Now in the MR position, you would start out as a Supervisor and will have to work your way up to Assistant Manager by completing the task that is listed above under Rank Guide. Now as a Supervisor, you don’t have much to do, but by being active and completing many tasks over again, you most likely wouldn’t be a Supervisor for long! Once promoted to Head Supervisor you get new tasks and a lot more ways to show you are active!

Promotions To & From Middle Ranks

In order to get promoted as an MR you must be active! As said before applications come out for Supervisor ranks, when promoted you will be given more information on MRs then!

To get to a High-Rank position, activity is key, we look for people that are there and willing to help no matter what! When being in an HR rank you would need to join a department (more information on that when the time comes). The only way for you to get into an HR position is by promotions, recommendations, showing that you deserve it, and in the slight chance that applications come out (they rarely come out), you might want to jump on it as soon as they do because once enough people have applied they close and don’t open for another few years!

Training Guide & Information


Training sessions are hosted every day at our Training Center! They are announced on our discoard server and on our group shouts 10 minutes before they start! The training center is where Trainees get to pick their role of what they want to work as at Diamond Theatre, from; Lobby Staff, Builder Crew, Technology Staff, and Theater Staff, there are many opportunities for people to express who they are! One of the ways is being a Low Rank, after passing a training session you get to start working as soon as you are ranked! Remember if you join a training, pass, and decide to change it up you can by heading right back to the training center and training for a different rank! Remember to have fun! All training times can be found below.

Training Times
Week Days
  • Monday, August 14, 2023 10:00 AM
  • Monday, August 14, 2023 3:00 PM
  • Monday, August 14, 2023 8:00 PM
  • Monday, August 14, 2023 10:00 PM
  • Tuesday, August 15, 2023 1:00 AM
  • Tuesday, August 15, 2023 4:00 AM
Week Ends
  • August 19, 2023 2:00 AM
  • August 19, 2023 6:00 AM
  • August 19, 2023 2:00 PM
  • August 19, 2023 5:00 PM
  • August 19, 2023 8:00 PM
  • August 19, 2023 11:00 PM
  • August 19, 2023 4:00 AM
  • August 20, 2023 2:00 AM
  • August 20, 2023 6:00 AM
  • August 20, 2023 2:00 PM
  • August 20, 2023 5:00 PM
  • August 20, 2023 8:00 PM
  • August 20, 2023 11:00 PM
  • August 20, 2023 4:00 AM

Training Guide

The Middle Rank-Senior High Rank training guide can be found on our discoard server under ⇢guides . This guide helps you learn how and what to do when hosting or contributing to a training! If any information is confusing or not on the document, you can contact a member of the HR department and they would be happy to assist you.

Already Trained, But Want A Different LR Rank?

You are now a Low Rank at Diamond Theatre, congrats! But, you seen what your role does and you don’t want to do it anymore or you want to test out the other roles to see what they are like. GO RIGHT AHEAD! All you have to do is head right back to the training center and train for a different rank! Remember, you can retrain as many times as you want, just make sure it isn’t that much.


Thank you for reading this document, our Human Resource Department and Leadership Team carefully crafted this document for all staff members to get a better understanding of what Diamond Theatre is, and what our rules do. We appreciate you for taking an interest in Diamond Theatre and hope to see you on or a higher rank on our staff team soon!


Rank Guide

  • Human Resource Department & Leadership Team

Staff Guide & Information

  • Leadership Team

Training Guide & Information

  • Human Resource Department

Thank you to all that helped make this document possible!!



  • Founder


  • Lead of Human Resources
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