Difference between : and

So I saw some modules on the forum using functions. And some used module:function() and others do module.function()

Why does using semi colons return a table and a period acts like a normal function?

And what would be a realistic use of using the semi colons

semi colons = implicit self declaration in the args

: just carries self when you’re using tables.
. doesn’t carry self when using tables.

--if you want to access something in the main table, use :
function Main:DoThis()
   local a = self.a --you get self

--If you're making a function and you don't want self just use .
function Main.DoThing()

--If you DO want self, you would have to place it as one of the arguments
function Main.DoThing(self)

it should also be noted if you know the object you are getting the function to you could also do smth like this

game.GetService(game, "RunService").Heartbeat:Wait()
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Others have already covered it, but maybe this helps too.

It’s basically just short-hand code. Some call it “syntactic sugar.”

When you call a table function with :, it injects the table itself as the first argument:

myTable.Hello(myTable, "Test")



When you define a table function with :, it creates a hidden self parameter as the first parameter.

function myTable.Hello(self, msg) print(self == myTable) end


function myTable:Hello(msg) print(self == myTable) end

So ideally, you match the caller and the definition. If it’s defined using :, then it makes sense to call it using :. If it’s defined using ., then call it with . too.