Difference in performance between SurfaceGui and BillboardGui

I want to have a number of guis (like 12-15) that would all be the same, but display different ‘numbers’ (a timer)

I’m currently using BillboardGui’s to display these timers, however, I was wondering if a SurfaceGui would be better performance wise (memory use, ping, whatever)

I have the MaxDistance set to 50, if that helps with performance? I’d imagine if it’s not rendered, then it wouldn’t cause problems.

So I guess my main 2 questions are:

  • Billboard or Surface Gui’s? Do either of them take up more memory/space whatever, and having multiple cause problems.
  • Does lowering the MaxDistance change anything? Are they still ‘technically’ being rendered even tho the player can’t see them

Both are pretty much the same, but the surfaceGui is on the part and the billboardGui is floating on the part and rotating so the player can always see it from the front. So ehich one is the best? It really depends on your need.

I know what they both are and what they do… Please read my question before answering

I would assume that BillboardGUIs are marginally faster than their surface counterpart, mainly because a SurfaceGUI’s appearance changes depending on the viewing angle, much like a Decal does. This would be a more complex calculation than for a BillboardGUI, which always stays flat on the screen and only changes size. I’m not sure about the second question, but you could test it out in game. Again, this would probably have a minor effect on performance, if any.