Discourse Reactions for the DevForum

Don’t stand corrected. Just I’m never making a feature request on the forums again, it’s like too useless. At this point lock feature requests.

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This doesn’t work the same way as Discord reactions.
This plugin works off of what emojis you want it to be, people can’t choose anything they want, only what the forum allows for.

It’s more like Facebook type of reactions, which I hate saying that but yes.

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Fair enough. I guess I didn’t do enough digging into the reactions. I will delete my original reply.

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That may happen however it is very unlikely. I previously made a feature request on introducing a new filter to these forums because I noticed on numerous occasions that people cussed in discussions after getting upset. The forum will always be the same and have at least one person that breaks the rules but we cannot stop that. Adding new systems such as discourse reactions wouldn’t change the forums as swearing already happens and is not preventable.

I think this would be better off as a Discourse feature request unless you are asking roblox to fully implement the plugin into the devforum.


This is something that Discourse had for like 1 week, or maybe more? And it’s a plugin that the community made that I would like to be integrated into the DevForum.

Discourse itself did not have this into it, from my understanding. Only the meta.discourse.org which is where people who use Discourse to build forums talk on, but I’m for the most part sure this was something integrated into Discourse itself.

I don’t think this would be integrated into Discourse itself, as of the source-code etc, the reason for me thinking that is the fact that it’s not just a new feature, it kind of replaces another feature, which I think could’ve broken certain people’s forums.

Don’t think that this would be added to the DevForum. The DevForum is a professional outlet and not social media. This will only further blur the line for those who see it as such.



This forum isn’t facebook. There are enough users misusing the forum for social media or for chatting app. This isn’t going to help. See a post you agree with? Leave a like. Don’t agree? Don’t say anything. This is just going to increase stat farming and users mistaking the forum for discord or twitter.


I really don’t see how such small feature would make DevForum social media. It’s like quite literally just reactions.

This post isn’t about DevForum turning into social media.

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You are requesting reactions for the DevForum though. Reactions are used in various social medias to express feelings and emotions. @FxllenCode is explaining that the DevForum should not be treated as a social media but rather a developer hub for developers around the world to enter discussions and show their opinions. He did not say anything about the DevForum turning into social media. He was telling you that your requested feature would make the DevForum relatively similar to social media.

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You don’t get it, when they meant, ‘Facebook’ they meant that you guys are treating the Developer Forum as some sort of social media site.
First let’s see, why would we need reactions in the first place? There’s no valid reason why we need reactions, and normally those types of a emojis are most likely suitable for social media platforms, and not for a Developer Forum.
I’d suggest you recommend something more that would help the Developer Forum be more accessible, comfortable, and more contributive for a Developer. Adding emojis like this isn’t suitable, and you could just type in emojis in your reply. Lastly, in full honesty, this does not help the Developer Forum in anyway.


Yes it’s true reactions are used around social media. But it’s not much different than just liking a post, it’s just more expressive.

You can give and express more opnion doing less.
Also like, reactions should for the most part only add reaction options which are ‘different’ than the current like.

Currently likes are hearts, feels like “love it”? Reactions would have that opnion, plus a thumbs up, and some others. A thumbs up for example would be more like expressive of agreeing, etc.

They have less extreme options in a way.

It’s just more expressive; You can show what you wanna say, maybe without a reply, helping on people not bumping older threads.


You can show the first three reactions with a heart just fine.

Negative reactions I see being abused – users can and will leave them just for the sake of leaving them. If you disagree with something, do so constructively in a reply. Just use likes conservatively


If you want to express your opinions towards the post, you could just reply rather than reacting. Secondly, expressing your points is far more better than reacting so users in that thread, could understand why your reaction is like that towards a proper solution in a topic or statement. Thirdly, adding reactions is just encouraging more users to treat this as a public forum instead of a Development forum, and encouraging users like this would attract more and more kid or social-media type of users, to treat this as a social media, one example for the negative effects of this, is that they will not bother to follow the Developer Forum’s rules nor keep its standards, and it would be harder for the Developer Engagement Team to control it if this happens.

Some people don’t see as ‘hearts’ as ‘love it’. We all know it’s the meaning that you appreciate or like a post, it dosen’t necessarily mean you ‘love it’. Hearts can also resemble that people agreed with your statement if they liked it, some users even bother to reply with liking your post.
In general, adding reactions is not really needed, and it’s just going to remove the professionalism of the Developer Forum to look like a public forum or social media forum.

What’s the point of making threads without getting the proper perspective of users? It’s not expressive, it’s just showing the emotions of users towards your post, and it would even implant a question in the topic creator’s mind if they don’t reply a post and that question would always be in their mind and it would not be clear why they reacted like that.
In general, your statements or facts of adding up reactions is non-valid, we don’t need reactions in the Developer Forum, we need more better solutions to make the Developer Forum a more contributive forum for developers, not social-media type of proposal, that dosen’t even benefit Developers that use the Developer Forum.

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It’s not about the like amount, that’s a really old topic I made. It’s really whatever at this point.