Do not list disabled functions in intellisense until they're enabled

As a Roblox developer, functions that are not enabled in production and yet are shown to be used in intellisense shouldn’t be shown to a developer until a full release.

Currently, a couple of functions throughout my development have popped in and out such as FindFirstDescendant, task.spawn, etc. I’d expect them to be enabled once I see them in script editor, surprise surprise, they’re not enabled for production. This confuses developers that are new or current for sandboxing or making games.

In release notes, new functions are listed as Pending, yet they’re shown in intellisense. This is where it gets confusing as it’s marked as Pending yet it seems like it’s live in studio?

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because disabled functions wouldn’t get in the way of enabled ones in production and/or development, and actually be used once it’s live. (Could be a setting, List disabled functions in autofill).