the higher viewport (imo) made it look more smooth and it bit more nicer. but it had a lot more tris, i was wondering if these few things that viewport 2 makes the glasses have is worth how much tris it is. and along with this, i was wondering if 5,772 and 9,766 tris would create any lag at all, or would it be unnoticeable?
To go even further than Glob above me, you should consider having even fewer tris. I bet you’d have no problem maintaining that level of detail while getting under 1500 tris, maybe even under 1000.
Smooth shading and marking your edges can make look as round as the high poly ones.
I would definitely agree with Aotrou. 5000+ triangles for a pair of glasses in Roblox is far, far to many triangles.
Think about the distance most players will see a player wearing these, no one will notices such a high detailed model. While you may not get any performance loss with one player wearing these, once you get a server full of players wearing multiple accessories of this high triangle count , then you could get problems. People play Roblox all the time on old phones and all sorts of potato computers.
You should be able to easily get an accessory like that under 1000 triangles.
Here’s some frames I quickly smushed together that come in at 944 triangles as an example.
Unless your object is a giant statue or something that all players will be viewing and expect it to look flawless, use much much lower tris. 5k tris is way too much for glasses.