Do RemoteEvent functions stop after error?

Let’s say I invoke the server and for whatever reason the server errors. Will the next time I invoke the server lead to nothing? (further function execution stopped because of thrown error). I am worried that exploiters could potentially send false arguments that mess with my server script making it throw an error. I wouldn’t want something like that to break the script. So do RemoteEvent functions still work after erroring?

Errors should only halt script execution for the call that caused the script to error, not on future calls, this should apply for all RBXScriptSignals.

I understand that. The thing with RemoteEvents which I never really understood though is that you aren’t really directly connecting it to a RBXScriptSignal. Since the syntax for it is more like defining a callback function. This made me unsure whether it actually was acting like a RBXScriptSignal. I still don’t really understand why you do OnServerInvoke = function() instead of the usual OnserverInvoke:Connect(function). I suppose the RemoteEvent handles that part for you. Which makes you only have to provide the function, still weird though.