Does anyone else get this error?

While I was working on my project, I stumbled upon this error and I don’t know if anyone else is experiencing this or just me. It occurs when the character reaches the height where all parts are destroyed at (also known as jumping in the “void”.)


Note: I decided to research a bit, so it seems to occur not in just my place, but in every place, for example, a simple baseplate.


Is this in studio, or in live game?

Both studio and live game.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​​

In the studio when you start the game, can you show me what AtomicBinding is?

It’s a ModuleScript parented to RbxCharacterSounds, which is a descendant of StarterPlayerScripts.

I get this error too. I have a solution that can be done especially for roleplay games, I just disabled everything that makes the player die. Like the reset button, and blocking the players from falling into the void.

Well… My game revolves around an obby which has a lot of deadly stuff, so I don’t think that would be a viable solution.
It will probably receive a patch soon, as it seems to be faulty code of a default Roblox script.


I think :WaitForChild and :FindFirstChild may be a problem too. And that’s why I get that error.

Make them respawn stuff

I mean when you touch a kill brick make the player respawn instead of die, that would reduce the lag too

The “deadly stuff” doesn’t instakill you, it actually deals a certain amount of damage once the brick is touched.


I believe it’s just a bug with the Animate default script. I think it doesn’t affect the player, because it only errors when the player dies, but the script is going to reload when he respawns.
You could also try fixing the bug yourself, but I don’t think it would be necessary.

This AtomicBinding error has appeared in google analytics over one million times today in my game Growing Up. Guess I will omit it from google analytics.

This is happening to me as well!!!

This error seems to be fixed and does not appear anymore in games.