Does anyone know how to fix this Camera problem?

I am making a starting screen, the background is the camera looking at the lobby. But the camera only stays at the position for a second, I can’t find the problem in my script. Does anyone know how to fix it?

here is the script (located in StarterPack)

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local Camera = game.workspace.CurrentCamera

repeat wait()
	Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
until Camera.CameraType == Enum.CameraType.Scriptable

Camera.CFrame = workspace.StarterCamera.CFrame

Hey when I did my Camera Manipulation I placed the script in the StarterGui and used a Part in the Workspace to set the Camera Position.

So Instead of Using

repeat wait()
	Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable
until Camera.CameraType == Enum.CameraType.Scriptable

Camera.CFrame = workspace.StarterCamera.CFrame

You could try

 repeat wait() until player.Character
Camera.CameraType = "Scriptable"
Camera.CFrame = game.Workspace.CamPart.CFRame
script.Parent.Enabled = true

But you would have to make a part that faces the Lobby. Then you could add a script in your button so whenever the user clicks it the Camera returns to the Player.

StarterPack is only for tools. And the CameraType should only be set once.
The ideal place to have this localscript would be in StarterPlayerScripts.

local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable

Camera.CFrame = workspace.StarterCamera.CFrame
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what is this?

script.Parent.Enabled = true 

I saw it in a tutorial I watched about Camera Manipulation and I just used it ever since I used Camera Manipulation. Do we not need it ? You could test it to see if it works.

what do you expect script.Parent is ?

My script.Parent is Backpack tho

I placed the Script In the StarterGUi.

i cant even set the camera CFrame, it will automatically change the camera back to normal

Did you try the script I gave you in my response on the bottom ?

the camera stay at the brick for 0.1 second and get back to normal like before

Hmm, I don’t see any problem in your script, but maybe something wrong with another script(s) that set camera to default?

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is there any ways to find out ? cuz i have so many script in my game

do you have a script that returns to a normal camera? like script that do it after button press or something, maybe something wrong there ?

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You could go into each script and try Control + Shift + F and search what your looking for ?

nope i didnt code anything about the camera

but i found ROBLOX have script of it

the bubble chat thing have mentioned “CurrentCamera”

i checked every script, i cant find any mistake

No thats not it. In your Camera Manipulation script do you still have Character defined like you did in the beginning.