Does anyone know photoshop? How to export each individual Layer with all of the Effect?

I installed photoshop yesterday and after struggling for a long time!
I manage to create this: :scream:

It look sick enough to me and I decided I would use this for mah game But unfortunately how I create this is through stacking layer with some premade layer which rely on blending option :sweat_smile:
Roblox don’t allow blending option so I need to export it: I head to export Individual layer but :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It try to export Unlayerize UI instead I have been struggle since yesterday, I would be very greatful if some lad helped me out :face_with_monocle:
Best regard!


Anyway I would Like to have feedback on My first attempt of designing something In Photoshop :hugs:

Anyone? Please I need to fix this

You can either try to merge the blended layers together by clicking the “rasterize layer” option and then exporting them, or create a new folder containing all the blended layers and then exporting that folder as a PNG.

Edit: I’d personally recommend the second option, since merging them all together makes you unable to tweak them after, while on the other hand, grouping them together in a new folder doesn’t change any of the individual properties of each layer, so you can come back to them and adjust them as much as you’d like.

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I have already rasterize and export it as png But It come up not really transparent :smiling_face_with_tear:
Oh wait maybe I was Exporting it as JPG :scream:
Thank you I’m going to try it :thinking: Can you give any feed back for me,
Negative or positive I don’t actually care because I know I need to improve a lots :innocent:

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I tried It end up like this when I rasterize:

And for merging:

I don’t know how to export folder so no
What I want is just export it as the finalize thing

I’m really not sure how you did that but it’s kind of a mess… Usually, you just type the text, add any effects to it on a clipping layer, add the particles on a separate layer, and group them together in a folder, then export that folder as a PNG. To export a folder, just right-click on it and choose quick export as PNG.

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If it doesn’t come up as transparent, then separate the background layer from the text layer, group them into different folders, and only export the text layer.

As for feedback, it looks great so far! The only things I’d point out are:

  • The font is a bit confusing at first sight. You can get away with using it for the title, but for the menu’s buttons, please try and find a legible font, It’ll surely improve the user experience.
  • The organization is off. It’s too clouted at the top then at the bottom it’s just emptiness. Try to space your interface evenly, and also make all the buttons face the same way (The “create” button being at the left, then the “settings” button being at the right makes it look messy).
  • I’d recommend you change some of the text, just make it a “Play”, “Settings”, and maybe add something else like “Credits” or anything you feel that could be important to fill some space up, then once you’ve clicked the “Play” button, the “Join world” and “Create world” options pop up.
  • Lastly, from a visual design perspective, add some sort of outer glow to the title, and make it bigger. You have to make your title stand out from the rest of the options.
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I Kind of love the old design. Have you see Halo, the UI often seem not too Claustrophobic.
Modern GUI with me is kind of, let’s say a mess, they’re too big, Attention Grabbing.

Also the fact that I make It seem small to show the player the feeling of lost in power, There are a trick in cinema is that the closer they film someone face the more powerful they appear.
I want to have an psychological impact on them some how.

Thank so much For the feedback I would change the button Font

Here is the document if you want to know about modern GUI:

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