The question is kinda confusing but i’m going to assume you just want a dummy with a stick on each hand based on the video.
To achieve that you just need to add a Motor6D | Roblox Creator Documentation to each signaling stick (make sure they are unanchored) and connect it to the hand you want to hold it using the Part0/Part1 property, after doing that the sticks will show up once you open the animator and you’ll be able to animate them both.
If you want to animate the sticks individually rather than in a rig you can use TweenService | Roblox Creator Documentation. Just have some invisilble parts with the positions the stick will follow and tween the stick to said part’s CFrame.
Haven’t really used tools if i’m honest but the motor6D method should work fine as long as the signaling sticks share the same name as the handle in the tool (assuming tools work with multiple handles since again I don’t use tools).
If they do not you could put the sticks inside an invisible part (which would be the handle, connected to the rootpart), and animate them inside that.