DQ Admin Usage Guide

Made ForDQ

DQ Admin Usage Guide

This guide is critical for the use of administration commands within our Staff Team.
MR Commands: Mod Commands
As a DQ MR these are the commands you have and how you can use them.

:kick [user] [reason] This kicks the specified user out of the server.
:ref [user] Respaws the specified user
:chatlogs Displays the chat logs of the server
:logs Displays admin logs
:cmds Displays the admin commands list
:pm [user] [message] Sends a personal message to the specified user.
:to [user] Teleports you to the specifed user.
:view [user] Allows you to spectate the specified user
:team [user [teamname] Teams user to specified team.
HR commands: Administrator Commands.
:Ban [user] [Reason] Bans specified user from the server
:sm [announcment] Displays server message
:m [announcment] Displays Message on screen
:h [message] Hints the server
SHR Commands: Super addmin & Creator admin
:Pbanid [userid] [reason] Permanently bans user id and user.
:Pban [user] [Reason] Permanently bans user.
:pbans Views if a player is banned.
End of Guide

Made by Yarielplayz5513
Corporate Assistant, Human Resources Team