DreadWalker Bulletin Board

DreadWalker is a 3D FPS Game, developed by me and my friend @Umbra_il , this game features mechanics like Dashing, Double Jumping, Runes and Player Evolution, the Battlemode of the game (multiplayer) combat features alot of mechanics from Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal along with the classic Roblox Looking to make it Good Feeling. (Preyzen and @Umbra_il are the same person. )

The enemies (demons etc), are going to be 3D Modeled by my friend @Umbra_il. If in any development diary you see some dummies those are just placeholders.

  • Console Support will be added in Future Updates.
  • This game will NOT be mobile friendly.

For now you can see some footage of the game. (This will be continualy Updated).

There is NO PLANNED release date, however it will eventually come when @Umbra_il and me feel that its ready, Singleplayer will be free and it will count with a custom campaign, Multiplayer will be paid access of atleast 300 to 450 robux, think of it as a BattlePass, you will have to buy it again after 5 months, you will be able to experience a multiplayer arena, with custom fps battle.


When the game releases it will be mostly free multiplayer, due to campaign being under development, everyone can access the multiplayer feature after releasing the game, keep in mind this is subject to change if it will be paid access or free, in karmazen studios, our priority is that our customers (players), have a great experience during playing, we care about the players, we care about our product, thanks for reading!


DreadWalker, is being developed by @KarmakSoft and @Umbra_il, each of us has important roles in the game development, while @Umbra_il makes the 3D Assets, im programming and adding extra content or features of the game, our roles are:

  • @Umbra_il Works on 3D Assets, and Arts Management.
  • @KarmakSoft Works on Game Programming, 2D Assets, Visual Effects, Maps and UI.

@KarmakSoft Is NOT FOR HIRE due to major of time working on DreadWalker.
@Umbra_il HIRING BUSINESS, is talked directly with him, he decides either work or not.

If you want to contact them, the best way is through Discord.

Feel free to talk with us, we are friendly just keep in mind the business stuff.

Thanks for reading the post.