Dynasty Hotels | Information & Handbooks

Dynasty Hotels | Information

Thanks for taking interest in Dynasty Hotels. Here you will find information about Training Handbook & Ranks and Promotion Handbooks.

How do I get a job at Dynasty Hotels?

In order to get a job at Dynasty you will have to follow the given steps:

  1. Join the group - click here - You can simply join the group by pressing “Join Group”.
  2. Submit an application - click here - The Application Center has an automatic promotion, so if you have gotten 80% correct answers you will be automatically be ranked to “Awaiting Training” and are able to join Training whenever hosted.
  3. Attend a training - click here - Only “Awaiting Training” and higher ranks are able to join the Training Center. Hotel Guests will automatically be kicked as they aren’t able to attend training before passing the Application.

Training Handbook

  • Training Handbook will help Host/Co-Host while hosting the training session, helpers to help the training and Trainers to Train.
    Note: Announcements for the host, Receptionist Handbook & Housekeeping Handbook’s links are in Training Handbook.

Link: click here

Ranks and Promotion Handbook

  • Ranks and Promotion Handbook will help staff to know about the ranks in Dynasty Hotels and the efforts needed to be promoted.

Link: click here

Handbooks written by @TrulyMarc.

Last Updated: Friday, June 12, 2020.

Best regards,

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