E to interact billboard that tweens out more buttons

So, I have been trying to make this system where if you click E it tweens out more buttons that have actions the player can do on that object. Similar to Welcome to Bloxburg interaction system, where if you click E, it tweens out more actions you can do to that object. Wondering how to accomplish this. Any help is appreciated. (By the way im not trying to use ProximityPrompts)

Why are you trying to avoid proximity prompts? They can be customized to look however you’d like if the style is what you find offputting

how would i make them tween out more options? (im sure .Triggered is only functionable on the server side)

Proximity prompts are fully customizable. You can tell it what UI to use, what to do when a button is pressed, etc.
The only thing prompts really do is fire an event when you get close enough to them / exit their range (By default, used to show, enable & hide and disable the prompt respectively). Everything else, from handling inputs, to tweens, etc. is up to you.
Here’s the documentation for prompts. Just set them as being custom, connect the right events and you’ve already got a good base for any kind of prompt you’d need.

And yes, you can use .Triggered on the client, not just the server.

oh nice i didnt know it could be accessed on the client, ill try it out later. thank you

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