EarAccessory and EyeAccessory asset types return hats? - Inventory API


What do you want to achieve?
My main aim is to call the inventory API collectible/assets endpoint, but should return the items with the correct asset type.

What is the issue?
I’ve been experimenting and calling the inventory v1 API (specifically the assets/collectibles endpoint) and specifically for some reason, the ‘EarAccessory’ and ‘EyeAccessory’ asset types return the items with the ‘Hat’ asset type:

But the actual result should be nothing, since to my knowledge, no collectible items with EarAccessory and EyeAccessory as its asset type exists currently.

Also using the asset types shown below in the assetType parameter of the request return an invalid response:

  • TShirtAccessory
  • ShirtAccessory
  • PantsAccessory
  • JacketAccessory
  • SweaterAccessory
  • ShortsAccessory
  • LeftShoeAccessory
  • RightShoeAccessory
  • DressSkirtAccessory

Example Here (ShortsAccessory): https://inventory.roblox.com/v1/users/1/assets/collectibles?assetType=ShortsAccessory&sortOrder=Asc&limit=10

Which according to the Roblox docs, should exist: AssetType | Roblox Creator Documentation

What solutions have you tried so far?
I’ve had to put conditions in my code (developing in a NodeJS app) to handle these errors from occurring.

I wasn’t even sure whether to put this in scripting support or report it as some kind of bug, but it may be a deliberate design choice and not a bug. Because of this I thought I’d ask here.

So apparently they haven’t added the new types to the api yet so you could just use AvatarEditorService for this instead

I would have used this, so for people creating an experience/game in Roblox Studio, chances are this will have been the solution. I’m calling the API externally from Roblox Studio however, so won’t be able to use this service.

It’s odd that the API docs don’t show the EarAccessory and EyeAccessory as an asset type, but it shows on the engine docs.

Another odd thing is, even though there is a collectible jacket accessory that exists:

The ‘assets/collectibles’ endpoint still returns a message of “Specified asset type is invalid!”. I’m wondering if these asset types haven’t actually been added properly to the API backend.

A possibility I can think of with the EarAccessory and EyeAccessory asset types, maybe returning items with the ‘Hat’ asset type is a default possibly?

I appreciate the help though, I’m sure for somebody with a similar issue to me, that will definitely help. :slight_smile:

An update on this:

  • I’m 100% sure that putting something like “assetType=INVALIDASSETTYPENAMEHERE” in the parameter list in the request URL is just the same as keeping it blank. Therefore, it responds with items that would usually appear if no parameter was included (which is what happens with EarAccessory and EyeAccessory, none of which exist yet according to the API docs).

  • Now onto the point of why ‘JacketAccessory’ responds as invalid. This is definitely a parameter which the Roblox API acknowledges/understands, but the backend isn’t there to return the actual results, just that the type is invalid. They may have to implement something on their end to get this working.

I’m not sure whether to create a post in bug reports or see if there’s another solution to this. :thinking: