Hello Devforum, I am all sure we have heard of the 3D text plugin that is used in studio, however anyone who has used it is aware that it has limited fonts and is only in English, I will be showing you how to easily create your own text in Blender.
Step 1: Gathering the text image
In order to create the 3D text you must have an image that we will convert to an SVG file, if your image is already an SVG thats great. Below is an example of an image that is good to use.
Step 2: Converting to SVG file
Once we have our image file we will need to convert it to an SVG file, I use an online PNG to SVG converter. They should end up giving you an image which file’s name should have “.svg” at the end.
Step 3: Importing the SVG to Blender
You will need to open Blender and delete your default cube, light, and camera (Delete using X or Del) Next step is to click on File > Import > Scalable vector graphic
Step 4: Preparing the text
So as I stated, the text will import at a very small size. Press “A” which will select all objects visible, then press S to scale. Scale until it is an appropriate size. The text is still not ready, we will need to press Right click on the objects selected and press Convert to > Mesh (if the convert to option is not visible shift click one of the objects so it is highlighted as yellow)
Step 5: Finalizing the mesh
You will want to join each mesh so it is one, select all the meshes and press CTRL J. After converting to mesh you will be able to extrude the mesh in Edit mode, But as you might notice it is quite high poly. As text model topology does not matter we will use the decimate modifier set to “Planar” mode, and adjust the angle until the tri count is good while maintaining a good look.
This technique is by far the best for creating 3d text for studio (that I’m aware of), decals sometimes wont cut it, and no one will want to trace an image of text for long periods of time. I hope this was useful, have fun developing