Elevator script not activating when trying to go down

I’ve been working on an elevator system for someone and I’ve come across a pretty big problem. My elevator can go up floors just fine, but it can not go down to any floors except floor 1. Here’s my script for the 1st floor button and any floors above it

1st floor

    -- Floor list. For every floor you make, place a part that is the same size as the elevator floor and has the same cordinates except for the y cordinate. Ex: If the elevator floor's position is 0(0,0,0) then the new cordinates would be (0,5,0) to make it directly above the floor
    -- Ex: local floor2 = game.Workspace.Floor2Position.Position
    local Floor1Pos = game.Workspace.FL1cords.Position
    local Floor2Pos = game.Workspace.FL2cords.Position
    local Floor3Pos = game.Workspace.FL3cords.Position
    local Floor4Pos = game.Workspace.FL4cords.Position
    local Floor5Pos = game.Workspace.FL5cords.Position

    -- End of list but can be extended for every floor

        local function elevator()
            	if FloorNumber.Value == 1 then -- Change the "1" to whatever floor the button goes to. Ex: If the button goes to floor 2, then change the "1" to 2
            		print("Didn't change floors due to the elevator already being on the selected floor.")
            		FloorNumber.Value > 1 then
            		 FloorNumber.Value = 1
            		while true do
            			local elevatorFloorPos = elevatorFloor.Position
            			elevatorFloor.CFrame = CFrame.new(elevatorFloor.Position - Vector3.new(0,0.5,0)) -- You can change the Y cordinate to change how fast the elevator moves (higher the faster). DO NOT change the X or Z values
            			if elevatorFloorPos == Floor1Pos then


Floors above floor 1

-- Floor list. For every floor you make, place a part that is the same size as the elevator floor and has the same cordinates except for the y cordinate. Ex: If the elevator floor's position is 0(0,0,0) then the new cordinates would be (0,5,0) to make it directly above the floor
-- Ex: local floor2 = game.Workspace.Floor2Position.Position
local Floor1Pos = game.Workspace.FL1cords.Position
local Floor2Pos = game.Workspace.FL2cords.Position
local Floor3Pos = game.Workspace.FL3cords.Position
local Floor4Pos = game.Workspace.FL4cords.Position
local Floor5Pos = game.Workspace.FL5cords.Position

--End of list but can be extended for every floor

    local function elevator()
        	if FloorNumber.Value == 3 then -- Change the "1" to whatever floor the button goes to. Ex: If the button goes to floor 2, then change the "1" to 2
        							 -- If the elevator is already on the designated floor
        		print("Didn't change floors due to the elevator already being on the selected floor.")
        		FloorNumber.Value < 3 then -- If elevator is below designated floor
        		 FloorNumber.Value = 3
        		while true do
        			local elevatorPos = elevatorFloor.Position -- COPY THIS TO BOTH SCRIPTS THAT MAKE THE ELEVATOR GO DOWN AND UP
        			elevatorFloor.CFrame = CFrame.new(elevatorFloor.Position + Vector3.new(0,0.5,0))
        			if elevatorPos == Floor3Pos then -- Switch the Floor pos variable to whatever floor the button correct. MAKE SURE THAT THIS LINE OF CODE IS COPIED FOR THE SCRIPTS THAT MAKE THE ELEVATOR GO DOWN AND UP. Change variable to whatever floor position you need.
        				if FloorNumber.Value > 3 then    -- If elevator is above designated floor
        					 FloorNumber.Value = 3
        					while true do
        						local elevatorPos = elevatorFloor.Position
        						elevatorFloor.CFrame = CFrame.new(elevatorFloor.Position - Vector3.new(0,0.5,0))
        						if elevatorPos == Floor3Pos then

Anyone know why the elevator simply doesn’t go down to any floors except 1?
Edit: Cleaned some stuff up

And what line does it fail at?

Nowhere. Nothing appears in the output. The 2nd script simply doesn’t run when trying to go down to a floor that’s not the 1st.