Enable and Disable Trail Button

This is what im trying to do but of course I coded it wrong because it doesn’t work does anyone know how I can do this

The player who owns the game pass will receive a trail in their player “Head” and id like them to have the option of disabling and enabling it using a button does anyone know a code that will work for this

-- local script
function Click() -- main function
  local lp = game.Players.LocalPlayer -- local player
  local char = lp.Character or lp.CharacterAdded:Wait() -- get player's character
  char:WaitForChild("Head").Trail.Enabled = not char.Head.Trail.Enabled -- enable/disable

script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(Click) -- connect

For a user owning a gamepass, I recommend these:

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Thank you so much it works perfectly much appreciated