Endpoint returns "Product is created by another user" when it is not

When I was looking for an api to update a developer product’s price I noticed an issue that was quite confusing.

The api endpoint https://develop.roblox.com/v1/universes/{universeId}/developerproducts/{productId}/update will return the error “Product is created by another user.” when trying to update a developer product for a group game even if the signed in user owns the group.

Repro steps:

  • Open Fiddler (or any other program that can do the following)

  • Set POST as the request method

  • Set https://develop.roblox.com/v1/universes/{UNVIVERSE}/developerproducts/{DEVELOPER_PRODUCT}/update as the request url, replace {UNIVERSE} with the universe id and {DEVELOPER_PRODUCT} with the developer product id, make sure the universe is created by a group

  • Edit the headers, replace {TOKEN} with the CSRF token and {COOKIE} with your roblox cookie, it should look like this:

  • Edit the request body so it looks like this:

  • Send the request it should return "Product is created by another user"

Additional information:

How do I get the CSRF token?

Go on the roblox website, open the console and type Roblox.XsrfToken.getToken()

How do I get my Roblox cookie?

Go on the roblox website, view the cookie storage and get the value for .ROBLOSECURITY


Hey I know I am very late but did you ever find out how to fix this issue?

You will have to use the undocumented api located at https://www.roblox.com/places/developerproducts/update

It takes the following data format:

universeId: {UNIVERSE_ID},
name: "string",
developerProductId: {PRODUCT_ID},
priceInRobux: 0,
description: "string"
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