Equip and Unequip

I’ve been looking around forums for a bit and I still have no idea on how to fix this.

-- Variables
local M1Function = script:WaitForChild("M1")

local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local rs = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local rsAnimationsFolder = rs:WaitForChild("Fists")

-- Player & Services
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local LPlayers = players.LocalPlayer
local char = LPlayers.Character or LPlayers.CharacterAppearanceLoaded:Wait()
local hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local animator = hum:WaitForChild("Animator")

-- M1s & Cooldowns
local M1sPerformed = 0 
local currentM1 = 0
local m1Debounce = false
local FistsEquipped = false

local comboEndCooldown = 2
local waitBeforeReset = 0.5

-- Equip & Unequip

local function OnInputBegan(InputObject, GameProcessed)
	if GameProcessed then return end
	if InputObject.KeyCode.Name == "E" then -- and FistsEquipped == false
		local EquipAnim = rsAnimationsFolder:FindFirstChild("Equip")
		local IdleAnim = rsAnimationsFolder:FindFirstChild("Idle")
		EquipAnim.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Action
		FistsEquipped = true
		print ("Fists are equipped")
	if InputObject == "E" and FistsEquipped == true then 
		-- Change IdleAnim back to normal when unequipped
		local UnequipAnim = rsAnimationsFolder:FindFirstChild("Unequip")
		UnequipAnim.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Action
		FistsEquipped = false
		print ("Fists are unequipped")

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Might be an animation problem?

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I don’t think it is. I added in the print to check if the thing actually played.

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What are you trying to fix exactly?

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The Equip and The Unequip not working.

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instead of programmer next to your name there should be ai user lol

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ok “eviltony99” nice name when did you make it buddy.

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oh my bad I didn’t specify the function doesn’t even start at all. I tried it out with UIS and it still didn’t work.

Did you write this? Looks like you have a bunch of variables and a function that is never called.

It’s a part of a local script I’ll just send it, hold on. Yes I wrote it.

-- Variables
local M1Function = script:WaitForChild("M1")

local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local rs = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local FistAnimFolder = rs.Storage.Animations["M1's"]
local rsAnimationsFolder = FistAnimFolder:WaitForChild("Fists")

-- Player & Services
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local LPlayers = players.LocalPlayer
local char = LPlayers.Character or LPlayers.CharacterAppearanceLoaded:Wait()
local hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local animator = hum:WaitForChild("Animator")
local HumRP = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")

-- M1s & Cooldowns
local M1sPerformed = 0 
local currentM1 = 0
local m1Debounce = false
local FistsEquipped = true

local comboEndCooldown = 2
local waitBeforeReset = 0.5

-- Equip & Unequip

UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(Input, GPE) 
	if GPE then return end
	if Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.E and not FistsEquipped then
		local EquipAnim = rsAnimationsFolder:FindFirstChild("Equip")
		local IdleAnim = rsAnimationsFolder:FindFirstChild("Idle")
		EquipAnim.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Action
		FistsEquipped = true
		print ("Fists are equipped")
	if Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.E and FistsEquipped then
		-- Change IdleAnim back to normal when unequipped
		local UnequipAnim = rsAnimationsFolder:FindFirstChild("Unequip")
		UnequipAnim.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Action
		FistsEquipped = false
		print ("Fists are unequipped")


-- Main Scripting
M1Function.OnInvoke = function ()
	if not m1Debounce then 
		m1Debounce = true 
		M1sPerformed += 1 
		currentM1 += 1
		local correspondingM1anim = rsAnimationsFolder:FindFirstChild("M1 ("..currentM1..")")
		local M1Track = animator:LoadAnimation(correspondingM1anim)
			print ("Hitbox made.")
			local hitbox = Instance.new ('Part')
			hitbox.Size = Vector3.new (6 ,6 , 5)
			hitbox.Transparency = 0.8
			hitbox.CanCollide = false
			hitbox.Massless= true 
			hitbox.Anchored = false
			hitbox.Color = Color3.new (1, 0, 0.0156863)
			hitbox.CFrame = HumRP.CFrame * CFrame.new (0, 0, ((hitbox.Size.Z/2) + 0.5) * -1)
			hitbox.Parent = workspace["Hitboxes/Effects"]
			local hitboxWeld = Instance.new('WeldConstraint')
			hitboxWeld.Part0 = HumRP
			hitboxWeld.Part1 = HumRP
			hitboxWeld.Parent = hitbox
			local partsInsideHitbox = workspace:GetPartsInPart(hitbox)
			local function hitboxFunction(v)
				if v.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and v.Parent.Name ~= char.Name then
					local enemyHum = v.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
					enemyHum.WalkSpeed = 8
					print (enemyHum.Health)
					print("Enemy Has taken Damage")
				if currentM1 == 3 then 
					if v.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and v.Parent.Name ~= char.Name then 
						local enemyHum = v.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
						local bv = Instance.new("BodyVelocity")
						local offset = Vector3.new()
						bv.Parent = (enemyHum.LowerTorso)
						bv.MaxForce = Vector3.new(100000,100000,100000) -- can mess with this or the 80's
						bv.Velocity = (enemyHum.Head.CFrame.LookVector * -80)
							+ (enemyHum.Head.CFrame.UpVector * 80)
						print ("Knock Back Made")
						wait(0.01) bv:Destroy()
						enemyHum.WalkSpeed = 16
					end task.wait (.33)
				print ('Touched'..v.Parent.Name)
		hum.WalkSpeed = 12
		print ("M1 Preformed")
		task.wait(M1Track.Length - 0.1 )
		hum.WalkSpeed = 16
		local oldM1sPerformed = M1sPerformed
		task.wait (waitBeforeReset)
		if oldM1sPerformed == M1sPerformed then 
			currentM1 = 0 -- Resets m1 combo
		if currentM1 == 4 then 
			currentM1 = 0 -- Resets m1 combo
		m1Debounce = false

-- Critical Functions
local CriticalDebounce = false
local CriticalCD = 4
	if GPE then return end
	if Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.R then 
		if FistsEquipped == true then
			if not CriticalDebounce then
				CriticalDebounce = true
				local CriticalAnim = rsAnimationsFolder:FindFirstChild("Critical")
				hum.WalkSpeed = 10
				print ("Using Critical")
				CriticalAnim:GetMarkerReachedSignal('Hit', 'Hit2', 'Hit3'):Connect(function(param)
					local hitbox = Instance.new ('Part')
					hitbox.Size = Vector3.new (6 ,6 , 5)
					hitbox.Transparency = 0.8
					hitbox.CanCollide = false
					hitbox.Massless= true 
					hitbox.Anchored = false
					hitbox.Color = Color3.new (1, 0, 0.0156863)
					hitbox.CFrame = HumRP.CFrame * CFrame.new (0, 0, ((hitbox.Size.Z/2) + 0.5) * -1)
					hitbox.Parent = workspace["Hitboxes/Effects"]

					local hitboxWeld = Instance.new('WeldConstraint')
					hitboxWeld.Part0 = HumRP
					hitboxWeld.Part1 = HumRP
					hitboxWeld.Parent = hitbox

					local partsInsideHitbox = workspace:GetPartsInPart(hitbox)
					local function hitboxFunction(v)
						if v.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and v.Parent.Name ~= char.Name then
							local enemyHum = v.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
							print (enemyHum.Health)
							-- Knockback Module
						print ('Touched'..v.Parent.Name)
		hum.WalkSpeed = 16
		task.wait (CriticalCD)
		CriticalDebounce = false

-- Block
local blockDebounce = false
	if GPE then return end
	if Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.F then
		if FistsEquipped == true then
			if blockDebounce then
				local blockDebounce = true
				local Blocking = true
				local BlockAnim = rsAnimationsFolder:FindFirstChild("Block")
				 hum.WalkSpeed = 8
				 hum.JumpPower = 0
				print ("Blocking")

A majority of the code isn’t fully finished

you said its not printing anything, so add more prints in different places to see where its not doing what you think it should.

you know what its not doing, so figure out what it is doing

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The if statement runs. I think the print at the end of it didn’t run because the code got stuck on this error.

I’m not to sure what caused this. It might be a animation problem. I think it’s a problem with the location of the animation.

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The if statement ran fine. It probably got stuck on that error.

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so this line found nothing:

and you didn’t check if EqupAnim ~= nil then … ( or just if EquipAnem then)

or this one, idk what line 46 is

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I fixed the Equip anim. I forgot I didn’t have a unequip animation so the second If statement didn’t even run. I swapped the lines EquipAnim to this after a bit of debugging

Now the problem is that the unequip doesn’t work at all. I’ll use try using else if statement and get back to you after that.

The else didn’t really do anything. It had the same result as the if statement.

So, i think the problem is that the fists are equipping and unequipping at the same time. So your solution should be putting a return in the first if statement here. You can also make the second if statement an elseif instead if you want to do that.

if Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.E and not FistsEquipped then
	--> it equips first as intended
	local EquipAnim = rsAnimationsFolder:FindFirstChild("Equip")
	local IdleAnim = rsAnimationsFolder:FindFirstChild("Idle")
	EquipAnim.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Action
	FistsEquipped = true
	print ("Fists are equipped")
	return --> we put a return here because the conditions for the second if statement to unequip is met, and we don't want that
if Input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.E and FistsEquipped then
	--> now only unequips after you input while fists are equipped
	local UnequipAnim = rsAnimationsFolder:FindFirstChild("Unequip") --> i think you fixed this line not finding the animation?
	UnequipAnim.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Action
	FistsEquipped = false
	print ("Fists are unequipped")

I didn’t test this though so let me know if it works

I tried it out in studio and It works perfectly. Thank you!

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