Equip button adds both my scripts

uhhhh what is weapons folder what would i change that to?

weapons folder is just the location of the weapons that I have stored.

is this alll useful or should i delete some code that wouldnt be necessary

What do you mean by unnecessary lines, the only unnecessary that I saw is that you have 2 localscript, that have the same functions, you don’t need the other one.

i have 2 locals scripts for each frame i have remember those 2 frames you saw on the video well if one is clicked on that one equips and unequips if the other is clicked on that one should equip and unequip

That’s the problem you are sending 2 information to the server.

Maybe watching this video can help you understand.

so should i delete some lines on the local script and add your lines that fix the promblem?

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this does not work the way mine does

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You don’t need the other local script, you only need 1 local script to handle everything on a inventory, what you need is to store the selected item, and once the player selected the item and when the player pressed the equip button, the information that will be sent is the selected weapon not the.

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so where would i put your lines then i have no idea where to put it in this bs

	if open then
		print("Remote Fired")	
		FRemote:FireServer("Remove Gear","CrescendoTheSoulStealer")
		open = false
		spsss.Text = ("Equip")
		spsss.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(85/255, 255/255, 127/255)
		print("Remote Fired")	
		FRemote:FireServer("Giver Gear","CrescendoTheSoulStealer")
		open = true
		spsss.Text = ("Unequip")
		spsss.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(226/255, 0/255,40/255)
	Frame.Visible = true
	sps.Image = spss.TextureId
	spssssss.Text = ("CrescendoTheSoulStealer")
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Wow, I really recommend that you watch this since works the same thing, Instead of placing it to the workspace like what the video did you store is to the backpack.

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Are you sure that works the same as mine, i am not picking up items i am having the weapons inside the dang frame

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nvm ill try this out and ill get back to you

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@MakerDoe he picked up items my GUI does not work like that, this game will show you what I am trying to do

as you can see that equips one if that was clicked on but if a different one was clicked on it wouldn’t equip all of the others but that only one

Like I said watch the video that I sent. You don’t need to follow the hole video, you only need to follow the part where how he implement the selected item. It just to help you add that selected weapon.

hmmm ok ill look at that part srry for the trouble

No need I just want to help you understand your current problem.

i cant find it or im just blind and I cant find it