I’ve made an npc that doesn’t use humanoids. I’ve added accessories to it and it fits perfectly, but when I turn it into a giant, the accessories aren’t aligned properly.
I think this happens because I am multiplying the mesh’s scale to fit the larger head.
Here’s the script to position the accessory on the npc:
local function equip(hat, human)
local hatAttach = hat:FindFirstChildOfClass("Attachment")
local humanAttach = human:FindFirstChild(hatAttach.Name, true)
local human = humanAttach.Parent
hat.CFrame = hatAttach.CFrame:Inverse() * human.CFrame * humanAttach.CFrame
local weld = Instance.new("WeldConstraint")
weld.Part0 = hat
weld.Part1 = human
weld.Parent = hat
And here’s a screenshot of the outcome when it’s on a npc scaled 10x. You can see that the hair is not aligned properly and makes the npc look like it has a receding hairline
How would I fix the alignment when I increase the size of the npc?