Hi! Basically, I have made some animations today for my game along with a couple of scripts and a RemoteEvent to trigger it. So, what happens is when you click it plays the animation on the player if you get what I mean. However, when I run it, it says in the output: ServerScriptService.CombatSystem:12: attempt to call a table value.
Here is the script apparently has an error in line 12:
local rp = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Combat = rp:WaitForChild("Combat")
local Animations = script:WaitForChild("Animations")
local anims = {Animations:WaitForChild("Right"), Animations:WaitForChild("Left"), Animations:WaitForChild("Gut"), Animations:WaitForChild("Kick"),}
local Character = player.Character
local humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local attack = humanoid:LoadAnimations(anims(count))
Here is what it looks like in the explorer tab:
So just a RemoteEvent called Combat in RepStorage, a script called CombatSystem with a folder containing all the animations, and in StarterPack which is a localscript. (Btw its just the moon animator saves contained in ServerStorage).
If you would like the Localscript in StarterPack this is it, even though there isn’t anything wrong with it:
local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local rp = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Combat = rp:WaitForChild("Combat")
local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local debounce = false
local cd = .25
local currTime = 0
local prevTime = 0
local count = 0
if isTyping then
elseif input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
if debounce == false then
debounce = true
currTime = tick()
local passedTime = currTime - prevTime
if passedTime < 1 then
--Can continue the combat combo
count = count + 1
if count > 4 then
count = 1
--Restarts the combo
count = 1
The Combat localscript in StarterPack seems to be perfectly fine, its just the CombatSystem script that has an issue on line 12.
So, just to make it clear, the when I try run the game to get the player to play the animations when clicking, this message comes up in output:
ServerScriptService.CombatSystem:12: attempt to call a table value.
How would I fix this, any help is really appreciated!
Thanks a lot, DannyGT7