Error importing blender animation to roblox

Im making a blender animation and importing it to roblox using a plugin called Blender Animations importer/exporter, when i make the animation in blender and export it using the same addon but for blender, it just shows an error and when the error doesnt show, the animation just dont play.

Theres the error: Cannot load the AnimationClipProvider Service. - Editar
12:46:53.039 Stack Begin - Studio
12:46:53.039 Script ‘cloud_716953901.RbxAnimations.RbxAnimations’, Line 114 - function loadRig - Studio
12:46:53.039 Script ‘cloud_716953901.RbxAnimations.RbxAnimations’, Line 354 - function loadAnimDataFromText - Studio
12:46:53.039 Script ‘cloud_716953901.RbxAnimations.RbxAnimations’, Line 466 - Studio
12:46:53.039 Stack End - Studio

Me importing the animation to roblox: