Exfentara's DESIGNER: Information for UGC creator sponsorship in Designer

:warning: HEADS UP! :warning:

This is pre-release information, that will be updated when the game releases 2024-07-11T05:00:00Z.
If you are a UGC Creator eg. ( Accessory Creator, Clothing Designers, Hair Stylists [Combination Creator] ), and are wishing to have your creations promoted in Designer, please bookmark and check back later. We will update this information as time goes on.

Exfentara is people powered. Information here is constantly under review and changing by our Social Relations Team! Shoot a PM with suggestions or questions to Exfentara’s SRT Leader: @kaedekaneko

Kaede and the Exfentara Team

:books: Play Designer [UNRELEASED] - :speaking_head: Join the Group

What is Designer?

Designer is a(n upcoming) fully featured avatar creator game, with user experience driven first. Within our editors we have a custom store and editor, combining your regular avatar shop search with user created outfits and accessory combinations, the only limitations is the limit of your imagination!

Instead of fixed UIs and a spin-able avatar, you are able to move around your design, repose, adjust, and get everything as perfect as the designer seems fit!

Why do we want to do Promotions?

Exfentara has noticed the large amount of experiences dedicated to showing off extremely elegant and beautiful clothing that designers have made, and not a lot of them have enough eyes on them! We believe that giving creators the choice to promote themselves in a way that would reach a larger audience, and not only have the creators benefit, but to give designers a tremendously diverse and curated catalog, to have everyone benifit.

How can UGC Creators can benefit from promoting in Designer?

Accessory Promotion Features:

  • Dedicated UI STOREFRONT
    • Storefronts are dedicated pages that can be searched for / recommended to designers. Creators / Creation Groups can create these pages to show items, or even bundles of items.
      • image coming soon
  • Advanced Tagging
    • Creators can append tags to their items, in order for searches to be more concise and deliver more engagement.
  • Color Grouping
    • Do you have multiple colors / variants of an item? You can gain access to create groupings, to make searching for a hair type easier and efficient.

Clothing Promotion Features:

  • Dedicated UI STOREFRONT
    • Storefronts are dedicated pages that can be searched for / recommended to designers. Creators / Creation Groups can create these pages to show items, or even bundles of items.
      • image coming soon
  • Advanced Tagging
    • Creators can append tags to their items, in order for searches to be more concise and deliver more engagement.
  • Clothing Combination Selling
    • Clothing designers can sell matching clothing together in their STOREFRONT, that can be searched for.

How can I apply?

See the warning at the top of this post. We will update with criteria and information as time progresses.

Designer, by Exfentara
Exfentara is a subdivision of Trinity Media Group
© Trinity Media Group, 2022 All Rights Reserved.

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