Experiencing issues on the forums

When trying to access my profile or my messages page, I get redirected to a 404 page.
Other users have claimed to be able to repro.

Does anyone know what might be the issue? Unscheduled maintenance or randomly-surfacing bug?

(Yes, I’ve tried logging out and back in.)


Seems to be working fine for me, did you try a different browser?

The same happens on Firefox.
In addition, @tallroblox1 posted this on the DevForum Discord:

Oh, I thought you meant on Roblox, my bad. You’re right I’m not able to access these pages.

On messages/profile:

Can confirm the same. So odd, hopefully it’s fixed soon.

This also appears to be happening to me:

(currently is only happening to the profile of the person that’s logged in)

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The Developer Forum is in the process of being updated - you may encounter some issues. We’ll let you know when the update has been completed.

Quote from @InceptionTime - Both New member and Full member Discord annoucements
DevRel is aware

Edit: rail beat me to it

A post was merged into an existing topic: Off-topic and bump posts

We’re in the process of updating the Developer Forum. You may encounter some issues for a bit.

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Yeah, just posted about that.

Hey, just out of curiosity, was there any notice about this happening?

I don’t think there was but I suppose I could have missed it. If not, it might be a good idea to give advanced notice before you update the forums to avoid confusion in the future.

There was on the devforum discord server. In general the first thread made about something like this is expected but people should look at the “Similar threads” when making new threads about the same issue to see if it’s already been acknowledged.

I agree there should be some form of notification at the top of the forum maybe similar to the Incubator/Accelerator ones, stating that there is maintenance or updates going on.

EDIT: Nice.


I’m in the Opera browser and I do not have any errors while I’m in the DevForum.

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Resolved, closing to stop further bumps

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