So I own a city roleplay game where you can own a house/car/weapons, etc.
One of the “common” exploit’s I’ve noticed is very few people have been able to get all the current car’s spawned in along with the doors (both cars and doors are clearly unanchored) spinning around like a tornado in a sense wherever they desire.
I figured I’ll just redesign the home doors so they are anchored and aren’t realistic. Instead you click to open them and they just go invisible/non-collide.
However I’m not sure how to fix the cars…
So in order to fix both, I am here at the lovely devforum hoping any experienced scripters or any white-hat exploiters know anyway to fix this semi-advanced exploit. Which I assume they are using Synapse for.
This is a result of network ownership and physics manipulation. If you have unanchored assemblies in your game, then by default network ownership is passed around to the closest client or, if there are no nearby clients, the server. Clients are authoritative of replicating the physics of assemblies they have network ownership over (such as their character).
In the case of the door, you should handle them all locally. That meaning, the server should be responsible for managing the door’s state, while each individual client animates and updates the door’s position or whatever based on the state that the server is tracking.
In the case of cars, you can just have the server perform various checks where necessary. Think about where physics can be manipulated on that car and have the server perform sanity checks over it. If a car’s physics are flagged as abnormal, handle the case accordingly.
That’s what the Scripting Support category is for.
I prefer that my messages be kept for personal dealings, topics related to post approval or anything that shouldn’t be public. I dislike answering scripting help questions in my messages because that’s content others will be missing out on, either to learn from or to broaden your range of responses from other users who can provide differing or better knowledge.