Explosion only happens once?

I want to detonate a Dummy by pressing a button. This should be possible endless times.

The Dummy only explodes once and then the explosion on other dummies is ignored.

I’ve tried all kinds of ways but I just can’t fix it.

Button script:

local Model = script.Parent

local ClickDetector = Model.Button.ClickDetector

local SurfaceGui = Model.DisplayPart.SurfaceGui

local function MouseClick()
	if workspace:FindFirstChild("Dummy") then

		local TortureModule = require(game:GetService("ServerStorage").ModuleScripts.TortureModule)



A piece of the module script:

function TortureModule.Explode(Dummy)

	Dummy:SetAttribute("CanChat", false)

	ChatModule.Chat(Dummy.Head, "I'm explosion proof!")


	if workspace:FindFirstChild(Dummy) then

		local Explosion = Instance.new("Explosion", workspace)

		Explosion.Position = Dummy.PrimaryPart.Position	

Thank you in advance if you read this and especially if you can help me!

I’m assuming there are multiple dummies you want to be exploded (prove me if I’m wrong).
In this case, you are only getting ONE dummy from workspace in the button script

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Sorry for the unclearance, I spawn a dummy every time one dies. The dummy that has died is given a new name “Corpse”. (There is only one dummy at once)

What script are you using to spawn the next dummy? It should be in the ModuleScript after the explosion part then return the dummy back to the ButtonScript where you can define a variable like NewDummy

Try changing the button script to

local Model = script.Parent

local ClickDetector = Model.Button.ClickDetector

local SurfaceGui = Model.DisplayPart.SurfaceGui

local function MouseClick()
	if workspace:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Dummy") then

		local TortureModule = require(game:GetService("ServerStorage").ModuleScripts.TortureModule)



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There is a function in the Module to spawn a new Dummy:

function TortureModule.New()

	if not workspace:FindFirstChild("Dummy") then

		local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")

		local Dummy = ServerStorage.Dummy:Clone()

		Dummy.Parent = workspace

Could you explain how I return the Dummy?

This results in my Module not doing anything.

I take it back, it’s actually a dumb idea

Btw, don’t do this:

Do this instead:

local Explosion = Instance.new("Explosion")
Explosion.Position = Dummy.PrimaryPart.Position
Explosion.Parent = Dummy.PrimaryPart

It’s not good practice to parent a new inserted object immediately. You should always parent the object last.

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Fixed the issue by changing one line of code:

	if workspace:FindFirstChild(Dummy) then
	if workspace:FindFirstChild(Dummy.Name) then

Thank you for thinking along.