Fary River Railway Roadmap Trello + Full Changelog: Trello
Version ALPHA 0.4.0
- At long last, Branchrunner West’s Union Harbour is now open for service! Passengers and Dispatchers can now directly spawn at Union Harbour.
- Added a new type of station platform object: wheelchair ramps. These are purely cosmetic and do not affect Dispatcher gameplay.
- Added a secondary entrance at Fillittsea Town.
- Added Jarreton Freight TMD, home of the GreeTech freight fleet (scenery)!
! The TMD may look empty in its current state, but that’s because the fleet is still a heavy work-in-progress! Freight related aspects are expected to be finished and implemented in future patches/updates. - Added Marker West TMD, one of many homes for the Branchrunner West fleet (scenery)!
- Groundwork for future scenery adjustments and additions have been made and added around the Jarreton <> Fillittsea area.
- Minor scenery improvements to Marker West’s entrance have been made.
! Adjusted some stop marker placements for Platforms 0 and 1 at Marker West. - Added a new Class 159 variant: Shooting Star Express (RiverCar Interim Branding).
- Any remaining scenery RiverCar trains now have interiors.
- Two new badges: Just Another Wizardry Reference and Retro Remnants!
- Added a tips section to the Passenger spawn selection area to encourage exploration and badge hunting around the map.
- Added a new platform announcement for terminating services arriving at Union Harbour.
- In turn, the Platform 2 speakers at Fillittsea Town now announce that the arriving service is terminating there.
- A respawn message now appears every time you manually reset your character via the Respawn button.
- Improved the visuals of the Newspaper roleplay tool.
- Made some general scenery sounds louder to improve immersion.
- The Caravan Train is on the move! It now resides in another location, happy exploring!
- Updated the visuals for the third rail track.
- Adjusted the respawn message to replace the mention of game with experience.
Bug fixes:
- The rollsigns on the Class 142 and 313 now scroll in both directions faster and more efficiently.
- Optimized some old code to use the task.wait() function rather than wait().
- Optimized the Newspaper roleplay tool to use less resources.
- Fixed a long-standing bug involving the interlock system failing to close the driver cab doors on the Class 508 and 313.
- Fixed a lighting inconsistency on the non-driving coach of the Class 159.
- Fixed a collision issue with the platforms at Chartmon.
- Fixed the entry curve at Union Harbour for optimal entry into the station.
- Fixed an imperfection in the rail hitboxes in the neighborhood section between Brookcup Lane <> Jarreton.
- General cosmetic fixes and preformance improving adjustments.
This update was pushed out at 13:45 GMT on 30/09/23.
Version ALPHA 0.3.0
- Implemented a rollsign and electronic destination board system on all drivable trains. Use keybinds [ and ] to roll/cycle through displays!
- Implemented functioning hazard lights (X, toggle) and guard buzzers (Z).*
- Spawn System upgrades complete! A massive shoutout to the amazing LordOfLuxury for his efforts to get this to work.
! Spawn Systems allow for physical cooldowns and badge/role exclusive trains, meaning players cannot spawn trains inside of each other under normal circumstances. - You can now spawn any drivable train at any role-accessible depot without having to spawn at specific depots to pick them.
- New RiverCar trains: Class 159 and Class 313! These units are secondhand units from other operators within the experience’s universe looking into using newer trains.
- Reduced spawner counts everywhere to account for the new spawn system.
- New badge: Access Denied!
- TopbarPlus integration: live clock, and respawning at the click of a button!
- Ads are now randomised on freshly spawned trains.
- Spawn rooms overhaul, including more information on how to carry out a role in the Driver and Dispatcher rooms!
! Adjusted the volume of the platform speakers.
! Reassigned console key due to a conflicting control key used in the destination board system.
! Class 142 Retro-Coasting improvements.
- Disabled resetting from the Roblox settings menu.
Bug fixes:
- First attempt at scenery model optimization.
- Made it easier to access the Trampoline easter egg badge.
- Fixed the MeshPart used in the MeshPart Tree easter egg to use the checkered texture.
- Fixed Fillittsea Town’s Platform 1 Announcement Sensor.
- Fixed the Class 59 at Fillittsea TMD not having the correct livery branding.
- Class 313 does not come with functioning hazard lights
This update was pushed out at 16:00 GMT on 18/02/23.
Version ALPHA 0.2.0
- Marker West’s station building is now complete.
- Jarreton West Train Maintenance Depot is ready for service, concluding work on all possible driver spawn locations!
- The Meme Gaps store makes it official debut as a functioning store. Originating from the cancelled TTC Train Museum 2.0 project, it sells merchandise from all Greeism projects!
- Class 59 and 66 scenery models added to various sidings.
- RiverCar logo refresh from vALPHA 0.1.1 rolled out to the entire fleet.
- ProximityPrompt support for train seats.
- Sounds and animated cab controls added to all drivable trains.
- Donation Jars have now been reactivated and use Developer Products, allowing for multiple purchases. Long live t-shirt donations!
- The Caravan Train is on the move! It now resides in another location, happy exploring!
- Streamlined the way the uniform giver system works, requiring less sensors in the process.
Bug Fixes:
- Additional tweaks made to the Class 142 chassis.
- Major chassis rework on Class 508.
- Removed some severely tilted trees between Fary River and Clocker, which at the same time fixed a cosmetic bug.
- Filled in a big hole in the hills between Jarreton and Fillittsea Town.
- Minor cosmetic fixes.
This update was pushed out at 01:00 GMT on 24/12/22.
Version ALPHA 0.1.0
- Fillittsea TMD + Scenery Link finished.
- New Class 142 variant (2009 RiverCar + Rollsign)
- Rollout of new 3D “RiverCar” logo branding at depots.
- You can now cross tracks using pathways without getting despawned (hitbox bugs are known and are to be ironed out).
- Minor cosmetic fixes.
This update was pushed out at 23:00 BST on 30/09/22.
Version ALPHA 0.0.0
- Release of the experience to paid Alpha Testing. 30 Robux fee enforced for the full duration of the ALPHA testing period
- Onboard train announcement files integrated into trains through the testing field, testing of this feature is expected to take place soon
- Big Belle River scenery links finished
- Placeholder train sounds removed, new files to be sourced elsewhere
- Reduced server sizes from 12 to 9 players
- Minor cosmetic fixes
Temporarily Disabled:
- All signals have been temporarily disabled as the master system is nowhere complete
- Donations temporarily disabled in preparation of transition from a one-use T-Shirt system to reusable Developer Products
- Temporarily removed 3-day Account Age requirement
The following isn’t quite ready yet, but will be released in a future patch:
- 2 Additional Train Spawn Points
- 2 Major Scenery Links
- Union Harbour (please don’t stop here and proceed around the Harbour Loop)
- Driver Spawn Room
- “Meme Gaps” merchandise store & functionality
This update was pushed out at 15:30 BST on 26/08/22.