FastCast first bullet won't fire

I am implementing my FPS framework with the help of the FastCast module. I am having a strange problem where the first bullet each time i begin firing isn’t fired. Every call to the Fire method is from the same place, so i’m unsure why the first one in the loop never fires.

Here is the code within the loop:
This code is all client-side. I havent begun with any kind of replication yet.

    while mouseDown == true and currentClip > 0 do
        . . .
        local weapon = plrvp:FindFirstChildOfClass("Model")
		local origin = weapon.Main.CFrame.Position
		local direction = weapon.Main.CFrame.LookVector
		local range = 5000
		local bullet = replicatedStorage.Bullet:Clone()
		bullet.CFrame = + (direction * 1.25), origin + direction)
		bullet.Parent = workspace
		bullet.Size =, 0.05, 2.5)
		print("Firing", origin, direction * 5000, 500, bullet)
		gunCaster:Fire(origin, direction * 5000, 500, bullet)
        . . .

Here is a gif of the problem with DebugMode enabled

It does print out “Firing”, and successfully calls the Fire method, but nothing happens, not even the degug visualization shows up.

Any help is much appreciated

So I looked at the video and it seems like the problem is that you are not making the ray disappear when you are shooting. If you don’t get what I mean, here is an example:

Also excuse me for my horrible handwriting and drawing!