Feed back on my latest GFX/Commission

Hi fellow devforum peeps :hearts: ! just wanted to see what everyone else thought of my latest GFX. This is another thumbnail also for TobiasFernison’s Austrian Federation!

feedback is always appreciated!!


I think it looks great, for me this is a 9/10.

This is awesome! I really love it!

Thanks so much man, I appreciate your kind words!

The guns, tanks and the ground are really detailed! A suggestion is that maybe add some more colors because the colors are kind of bland. Overall you did fantastic!

I did the colors black and white to replicate the time period and the overall aura of the scene.

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its pretty cool
keep up the good work :+1:

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The models are extremely detailed, the poses are just perfect. The one thing I would suggest you to make it even better is to add in some small rocks or grass on the ground. Other than that, great job! Keep up the amazing work! :wink: