Feedback for Application UI

Hello there!
I would like to get some feedback for my application UI cause I’m still unsure if it’s good. Thanks :slight_smile:.



I really like it, the detail with the GFX is amazing! However it seems it is being made for a bakery so I feel like there could be more colour to it.


Mhm alright, thanks for your advice.

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As @lovedroses said, it does need more color. It is very simplistic and I do think it needs more detail. You have a bunch of wasted space on your UIs.
Look at that space.
It needs to be filled in with something. Maybe create a pattern or put the group logo in that space. Also, make the text larger.

These are too close together. Make the larger, spread out more, and make the text easier to read.
Text here is not centered. You do not need an arrow.
Wasted space. Make the text larger and easier to read.
Hope this helps! Great job with your UI designs.
Everything stated in this post is merely based upon my opinion and first looks. You should not feel disheartened or feel the need to change anything.
FallinqSnowFlake :upside_down_face:

For the answer box you could make the text a bit bigger slightly and also maybe add a bit more colour.

I really like your GUI, it has a lot of detail. I think that the header could have a bigger font size, because it seems like it’s all in one font size. But overall I really like it.