Feedback for my project

Hello, I would like some feedback for my project that I am developing, it is an MMORPG where there will be a story behind the player, bosses to get powers, quests for the player to level up.

I decided to make this project because I don’t see many games of this type on roblox that include the player in the story, it’s a type of game that I personally like to play, the game is still in the beginning of development and I would like to know your opinion about this project and what I could improve.
(I’ll leave the game link below for you to see)

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hey, since you live in brazil,

So vai, cria um jogo nesse estilo… só uma dica, faz estilo medieval, ve videos, absorve dicas, faz umas pesquisas e tals, a ideia geral é boa, mas so precisa atrair visualmente os jogadores, como ta tudo em fase de teste eu nao sei oq dizer, mas acredito que da pra fazer um jogo legal

Vlw cara. Mais pra frente quando eu ja tiver desenvolvido a maior parte vou disponiblizar mais um topico para feedback.