[FEEDBACK] Horror Scene GFX

I made this like a week ago and thought that something was off. Can someone give me feedback for this GFX? :+1:


The right arm looks a bit off thats all I see.


Hmm, should I lower it down?
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Im not sure its just out of place and looks like its disconnected.

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I donnu but for me it would look a lot scarier if you’d just have the eyes. That’s just me tough. You can still keep it. Just make sure to fix the arms.

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Hey! I love the GFX overall but I would make the light around the guy a little darker, it seems like a green screen (if you understand what I mean) since hes bright and everything else is dark and with the eyes.

Overall, super cool!

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Then it wouldn’t really be a GFX

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Alright, thanks for the feedback!

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Yeah i know. The GFX is great don’t get me wrong. I like it alot. I just think that for a game picture i would be alot more mennecing to just have the eyes.

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Thank you for the feedback, I will use it for my future GFX. :+1:

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This looks really good. But the l left hand is not clearly visible though.

I like this a lot, personally I would add a rim light and make the color of the character match the color of the eyes kinda like this;

Maybe move the character over a bit. Other then that, well done sir