Hey fellas… Just wanted to post some stuff here while i finish making this practice lobby…map… thing. I’m going for like a Simulator-mildly cartoonish style I think.
Since I’m not very good at thinking of creative ideas they all follow a similar pattern. Let me know what u guys think so far I have like 3 - 4 more buildings to go before im done with this map… lobby… thingy.
Theres also grass but I don’t think its really worth… showing lol… i mean its prolly there in the background but yeah. I’ll appreciate any feedback and suggestions.
! blue band thing removed was ugly )
And uh yeah, thats about it for now… Will be finishing this practice lobby map level thingy soon, might make some touches on the border terrain and some other minor stuff. Maybe I might sell it for cheap if it comes out decent in the end result But thats besides the point, shoot them feedback, suggestions and thoughts.
Actually, your builds looks nice in my opinion. Though the buildings’ structures really looks interesting, but in my opinion the colors should be a little more lighter.
You see, the dark green color for the first picture makes the building a little bit dull. It’s better if you could make the green color more lively.
The buildings also should have a lighting inside the building.
I mean you should put either white or yellow lighting in the window to make the windows appear as if the buildings have light inside.
In all, the quality of your work you have made in this buildings is impressive and to be honest in my opinion, it looks great for the map your trying to make, also last recommendation it’s better to put street lights in your map because your map resembles a town and therefore should have street lights to make the scene a little more realistic.
Keep up the great job!
The green building doesn’t really go together well, you should try adding more detail and creating more detailed and modern building windows, you can reference off google images if necessary.
Also, I am guessing the last red building is a barn? You should try detailing it more or go more with a realistic look that still represents a barn, try creating that usual upstairs open window design too, that 100% helps with detail.
Otherwise, the rocks, trees, and the smaller buillding look great!
For the first pic, the Roof on the top doesn’t seem to be symmetric. you could add some borders to the roof like what you did with the Shop building. other than that, it looks great.
The roof is actually all symmetrical, the angle the screenshot was taken makes it seem that way. I’ve realized that when I took the screenshot and wondered why it looks so… off centered but its intentionally that way. Angles definitely make the difference.
Btw those things you highlighted were border thingies e.e
Red building is actually literally solitary confinement… A room of darkness… Nothing will be in it except a chair and a table… Maybe a small tinted window somewhere as well… near the top.
Thanks for the feedback, i still have 4 more buildings to go so I might make some type of barn, farmhouse or shack soon. Appreciate it.
Yess… Street lights, I dont understand how I could forget about those… Definitely will make a streetlights mesh.
Thank you for the compliments.
Actually, 2 of the 3 buildings has an interior. The tall building, and the solitary confinement building. That’s why they don’t have the yellow pseudo “lighting” lol.
I’m working on an interior of each soon. I’m planning to have solitary have a table and a chair… Y’know if they wanna go insane in there they can lol.
Colors I agree with, thats one of the things im gonna be tweaking before i finish with the build.
Thanks for the feedback and suggestions.
Mhm, I’m still trynna think about what each building should be for now, so the fronts are basically empty on detailing what they are.
I’m definitely gonna add small barred windows… Think more of a padded room than a typical jail/prison solitary confinement. Thats what i’m going for as of now lol.