My first GFX game icon

I’ve made 1-2 GFX before this but this is the first one I’ve made for a game icon, I would like some feedback on how I can make it better!


Please give me some criticism as it will help me improve.


Similar things I’ve said on here apply to yours, you may want to check the post out:

Anways, the character seems a little flat shaded, make sure you’re using the cycles rendered for more non-bias shadows/contrast. Lighting and composition are quite important.

Make sure the person can glance at it and say, “yup, they’re applying for a center”.

Also copyright is no joke. Avoid using copyrighted materials like logos and brands from big lads like Walmart and Target (examples). Give it the sense of an application center, all I’m seeing is the person looking at a phone with the roblox logo.

Maybe a person looking at a clipboard writing down things essentailly applying. Also, give expressive looks and feels, exaggerate motion.

Make the camera closer, it also seems a little too far away, don’t worry if the horns clip out or anything, its needed for composition.

Composition, readability, lighting, and posing needs work. Overall, pretty good on your first gfx, continue gfxing and I believe you can 1up yourself :+1:


The game icon is for a group called “Wal-Mart” that is why the logo is there, but thank you for the feedback!


They’re about to be in a wild ride if they continue with it (unless they stay hidden though eh :man_shrugging:) :eyes:
(not adveritising, just pointing out v)

Anyways, glad my feedback could help :+1:


Welcome to the forums! I’ve moved your post to Cool Creations, which is the place to get general feedback, and also removed the tag from your title–that’s what the “tags” field is meant for. :slight_smile:


Give the character some shade and maybe stroke to make it look more realistic.


Font might need a bit of improvement, looks bland. Needs shading, gradients, etc. The character doesn’t look the best since it doesn’t have any lighting or shading. I will also agree with @3rdhoan123 since you need to redesign the logo in the background so that it isn’t copyrighted material, otherwise you’ll be in serious trouble.

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Thank you, I will keep that in mind. I just need to figure out how to solve the logo issue.

I’m not sure how you feel about realism but maybe turning the phone so that the back is facing the viewer. Other than that, like @3rdhoan123 mentioned, “Avoid using copyrighted materials like logos and brands from big lads like Walmart and Target”. :smile:

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I wasn’t trying to go for realism particularly but I do feel that I should probably make it like you said. I will have to tell the owner to change most of the game thumbnails since they all involve a Walmart logo.