Feedback on a Cafe I made

I would like some feedback on this cafe I made for practice!
Heres the cafe:



Ignore the stuff i misplaced (I already fixed them)


Looking good! :love_you_gesture:

Keep up the good work!

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It looks very cute! Have you worked on the interior yet? I’d love to see what you would put inside there

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Hmm… I’ve never tried interior in a low poly build before, Maybe I might try it soon!

Thank you for the nice message!

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The color scheme is a bit out of whack, the yellow just doesn’t fit with the “Really Red” roof. The blue, I would make it darker. Looks good other than that!

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It’s really cute!
Simple, short and sweet. :slight_smile:

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This looks nice! This cafe will fit to some simulator.

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I think you did very well on this, you created it with your ideas and type of view. I haven’t seen any type of café like this in quite awhile. Keep up the good work my friend, great job! :smiley:


Aye, this is great! I really like it. It’s cute, and it looks like it would go with a simulator game. I think you would make a great builder for cute builds! Keep up the good work!


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Wow that looks very nice! What are you going to use it for? Also, you moved the door down, right? Keep up the amazing work!

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Looks really cool but here are some things I suggest changing!

  1. Change the yellow or blue because it doesn’t go well together.
  2. Add the blue stripes on the cafe roof.
  3. Change the colour of the red sign.
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