Feedback on a castle for a game

As of late, I have been spending a great amount of time on a castle for a RPG game. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated; a few images of said castle can be found below.

Note: This is still a work in progress, hence why certain areas may be missing and/or incomplete. In addition to that, this is basically a bare bones outline, detailing and texturing has barely been done.

The exterior

The Interior

I greatly appreciate any and all feedback, especially on the lighting which needs some work.



I changed the saturation up a bit, does this look more aesthetically pleasing? The stained glass isn’t as vivid but I feel as if the build itself has a cleaner look to it.

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This is out standing. Out of all honesty there isnt really much for you to improve on. Well done!

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Thank you, I always strive to unlock a build’s full potential. I’m considering learning how to create textures with greater proficiency as to make the map look much more realistic and pleasing to the eye. However, I’m unsure how to go about that.

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The castle is really good, It’s probably the most awesome thing i ever seen.

Are you also gonna add one of those, bridges that go from the island so people can get into the castle. Or your going to leave it the way it is. You can also add more trees on the side of the castle…!

Put for know great job, man hoping to seeing the final update very soon.

In response to your first question, I am going to connect the two areas (the tower and the bridges) as to link the entire map together. The players spawn at the very bottom and work their way up the map by moving to the right, through the large circular room, up the tower, across the bridges, and then into the main castle itself. As for adding trees on the side of the castle, do you mean on the ground mesh itself, or on top of the castle?

Forgot to move over the other area. The path is outlined in blue marker (blue isn’t in the game ofc).


I get a spooky feeling when looking at this. Maybe a graveyard?

In all honesty, I have never seen anything so realistic and detailed within roblox. I honestly don’t see much you could improve on. Only thing maybe is in some parts to add wall torches beside the door. But honestly this is outstanding work. Absolutely fantastic.

Really cool I feel like a scary monster is about to scare us if we did a spoopy tour during spooktober.