Feedback on a new vehicle game UI menu


Hey, I recently just created a Vehicle type UI menu, and it was inspired by a menu from Forza Horizon.
The images on the UI menus are just placeholders and not actually real in-game menu images.

Looking for some feedback and opinions. (This is not Imported)
It was created in Adobe Photoshop


Wow, that is great!

I literally can’t spot anything that should be changed. Great job!


Appreciate the feedback! Thanks

Wow this looks amazing! No comments. Keep up the good work!


I can defiantly notice one major flaw. The stats and profile buttons. Why are they so small?

I would also center the text inside the boxes.


This is great, I’m not quite sure if the images are the final project, if they’re temporary or proof of concept. Otherwise, very appealing and modern

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Looks super cool! Very clean look and high quality images. Can’t wait to play this!

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