Feedback on Custom Soft Shutdown System

There isint much to explain here, its a soft shutdown system which teleports the player to updated servers when the servers are being shut down to make urgent updates, etc. It prevents the loss of players by making them rejoin the game.

Let me know what you think about the following shutdown system :slight_smile:
Edit: I decided to release it for free on my youtube, get it here.


I think it should show a countdown. For instance, it will show a couple minutes countdown and then update the game, so it does not update in the middle of gameplay. Other than that, I think it is good, and I like the gui. Also, I like the functionality. You can see that the person is rejoining because it gets rid of the menu and gets it back twice so that makes you know it is working. Thatโ€™s all I think it needs. Get a countdown, and I think it will be perfect.


I like it! I also love how itโ€™s really smooth.